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Neville Goddard State Akin to Sleep (SATS): Manifesting Guide 

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Learn how to harness Neville Goddard’s (SATS) State Akin to Sleep to manifest your wildest dreams.


If you’ve been on a self-transformation journey for a while, you’re likely well aware that to change your life, you must penetrate the conscious mind and go straight to the subconscious.

From hypnotherapy to subliminals to affirmations, mind movies, and guided meditations, there are many ways to reprogram your subconscious mind. 

While all roads are effective, and I encourage you to experiment with the different routes, today we’ll go back to the basics from a man considered a Pioneer of The New Thought movement and the Father of the Law of Attraction

We’ll go over his philosophy as it relates to reprogramming your subconscious mind. 

Similar to having the option to purchase a premade brownie at the grocery store or baking the brownie yourself, learning SATS is like figuring out how to bake the brownie yourself. It will be tailored-made to you, simple, and the freaking plus—free! 

That’s not to say you can never enjoy a brownie created by someone else. But it’s always better when you have the basics down for yourself. 

Let’s get started!

What is SATS Neville Goddard?


SATS stands for State Akin to Sleep, an expression coined by Neville Goddard. Neville describes SATS as a state that borders sleep and is the perfect state to imagine the wish fulfilled. You are relaxed yet awake, and your body is immobilized from external senses, but you can still influence the direction of your thoughts. 

It is a drowsy meditative state that you enter right before falling asleep. Another term that describes this state is hypnagogia.

During the transition from waking to sleeping, you move from beta to alpha, and then you knock out and go into theta brainwaves. Alpha and theta brainwaves are the frequencies to be in when reprogramming yourself. 

To better illustrate, children between the ages of 0 and 7 predominantly spend most of their time in alpha and theta brainwaves. Thus, they absorb the world around them quickly, and now we know why they can easily learn multiple languages during this developmental time. These are the programming years before their ego identity becomes more separate and individualized. 

How to do (SATS) State Akin to Sleep Neville Goddard [step-by-step]

  1. Choose to sit comfortably in a chair or lie flat on your back with your head and neck in a neutral position.
  2. Get comfortable and close your eyes.
  3. Take a few deep breaths.
  4. Bring attention to your body and breath. 
  5. Immobilize your senses, clear external distractions, and focus your senses on your internal world.
  6. Relax until you find a centered, drowsy feeling.
  7. If you have trouble getting drowsy, try focusing on a particular point in your body (e.g., heart chakra or solar plexus.) 
  8. Another method of achieving a drowsy state is reverse counting from 300 in threes (300, 297, 294, etc.).

How to Manifest With SATS Neville Goddard (5 Steps) 


Step 1: Claim your Desire 

The first step is to claim your desire and decide it’s yours. Write down your desire in a manifestation journal as if you already have it.

Writing down your desires as though you already have them plants a seed in your mind that they’re done and begins the process of materializing them in the physical world.

For example, let’s say you want to manifest $10,000. Write something along the lines of: I have manifested $10,000.

If this is your first time manifesting with the Law of Assumption, work on one desire at a time for the best results. 

Step 2: Get in a State Akin To Sleep (SATS)

The second step is to prepare for bed as usual and follow the instructions above to get your mind and body in a State Akin to Sleep (SATS).

Step 3: Imagine the State of the Wish Fulfilled

woman-meditating-listening to headphones

The third step is to imagine the state of the wish fulfilled.

Neville recommends doing one-act scenes. Keep your scene short so your mind doesn’t wander. These small scenes are usually about 5 seconds long.

For the $10,000 example, go to the end of already having $10,000 and visualize a small scene implying you already have the money.

Let’s say you want the money to rent a new apartment. 

Don’t just imagine receiving $10,000. Instead, imagine a scene of you renting the new apartment that you want. This could be imagining yourself in the apartment or signing papers with the leasing agent. 

Strive for a scene that brings out the richest emotional experience and feels real. 

Related: 95 Powerful Affirmations to Attract Money and Wealth

Step 4: Loop Your Small 5-Second Scene

Step four is to loop the same scene over and over until it takes on the tones of reality.  Feel your scene in the first person, keep looping it until it feels real, and then fall asleep.

Step 5: Assume Your Desire is Fulfilled


Step five is to assume your desire is fulfilled. The purpose of Neville’s techniques is to embody the feelings of your desire and live in the state of the wish fulfilled.

Work on your visualization every night until it feels so real that you already have your desire. Once your subconscious mind accepts your visualization, it should feel like a memory that is happening right now or has already happened.

Neville says that the state of the wish fulfilled may initially feel false, but if one persists, the world will have no choice but to conform to their assumptions.

When Should You Use the SATS Manifestation Method? 

Get in a State Akin to Sleep (SATS) every time you visualize for a manifestation. Sometimes affirmations do not work for people because they are working with the conscious mind and not tuning into their subconscious mind—their feelings. 

As long as your mind and body are relaxed and your visualization feels real, your subconscious mind is very gullible; it will accept what you give it.

What is the Best Time for the State Akin To Sleep (SATS) Technique?


The best time to access a State Akin to Sleep (SATS) is before falling asleep and directly after waking up. However, the 10-minute window before falling asleep is the most powerful.

These two times make SATS easily accessible because your mind will naturally be in the alpha and theta brainwave frequency, so you won’t need to induce a hypnagogic state at will. Alpha frequency is the gateway to your subconscious, and theta frequency is your subconscious.

Another optimal time to access a State Akin to Sleep (SATS) is during and after deep meditations. Basically, the more relaxed your mind is, the more receptive it is, and you are in the perfect state to program yourself. 

Can I Use SATS Neville Goddard to Manifest During the Day?

Yes! Neville recommends inducing a drowsy state daily at the same time. However, he does warn that since we are creatures of habit, we will feel drowsy around the same time every day. 

So, if your lifestyle and schedule permit, consider starting a midday practice to induce SATS and visualize the state of the wish fulfilled for your desires.  

How Often Should You Do SATS Neville Goddard?

Make SATS a daily practice, visualize every night before bed, and treat it like brushing your teeth. If you are not working on a specific external desire, you can use SATS to revise the day with Neville’s Revision Technique or end your night with gratitude using Neville’s Thank You Technique

Neville says that our actions follow our state of consciousness. He doesn’t believe in free will because we can only act from our state of consciousness (our self-concept).

So, if we train our bodies to be in a good-feeling state, everything else follows suit. The only free will we have is to change our assumptions, and when we successfully change our assumptions, the external world, including our actions, conforms to our beliefs. 

How Long Does it Take for State Akin to Sleep (SATS) Technique to Work?

How long it takes for SATS to work will depend on your ability to persuade yourself, how deeply rooted your limiting beliefs are, and your capacity for building a new practice. 

According to a University College London Study, building a habit takes 18 to 254 days, an average of 66 days for most people. 

However, working with the Law of Assumption is not about logic or getting scientific, which is the conscious mind. It’s about getting your emotional body and subconscious mind to believe. As Neville says, Feeling is the Secret

Your conscious mind is linear and rational, so it wants to negate and doubt, but your subconscious mind is highly susceptible and believes everything you tell it. 

What will look like a miracle externally is really your subconscious mind believing. Building a consistent manifestation practice may take 66 days, but it’s what you believe: if you believe 18 days, then 18 days. 

So, I say try it out for 7 days and see what happens!

How to Know If SATS Technique is Working 


You’ll know when the SATS technique worked when you have embodied the state of the wish fulfilled. You feel your wish is already here, or at the very least, close, and you trust it’s on its way. You no longer search outwards or wait and check for the outcome. Because it is here, and you have it. You are certain.

This is personal to me, but it may be useful for those who use dreamwork for healing or are curious about the dreamscape.

Another way to check if your subconscious mind is accepting your visualization is if you dream about what you visualize. Dreaming about what you visualize before bed is a sure sign that your new assumption is somehow getting baked into your subconscious.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that your manifestation is on its way, but it does indicate that your subconscious mind is receiving what you give it.

Most importantly, pay attention to the feelings of your dream; is it the feeling of the wish fulfilled? For instance, if you are manifesting love and you keep waking up with nightmares about someone leaving you, I would continue to work on the state of the wish fulfilled.

Consider starting a dream journal to get in tune with your subconscious mind. Your dreams can give you insight into your subconscious beliefs and feelings about your waking life. 

Is SATS the Same as the Law of Assumption?

No, SATS and the Law of Assumption are not the same. The Law of Assumption is Neville Goddard’s driving principle, from which he developed his core concepts and manifesting techniques.

SATS is a core concept or a name he used to describe the ideal state of consciousness to be in when imagining the wish fulfilled. So SATS is part of the Law of Assumption teachings.

This is how I see it. You are the oven, and the oven cooks stuff. The oven can broil and bake on high or low heat. You need to have the oven at a lower temperature to bake brownies.

State Akin to Sleep (SATS) is getting your oven on low heat and your visualizations are the recipe ingredients. You mix them up and throw them in your oven at night. In your dream state, your subconscious mind starts baking the visualization for you while you sleep. And one day, a brownie shows up in your life. 

20 Law of Assumption (SATS) State Akin to Sleep Affirmations

  1. I am the creator of my own reality.
  2. My beliefs create my reality.
  3. When I envision it, I manifest it.
  4. I assume the best for me. 
  5. My desires are meant to be fulfilled.
  6. I can have whatever I want, and nothing is off-limits to me.
  7. I break through my internal limitations.
  8. I am free to create or have whatever I want.
  9. I am worthy of my desires.
  10. I am that I am.
  11. I shape my self-concept to my liking. 
  12. I am love.
  13. I am forgiveness.
  14. I am open to receiving miracles from the Universe.
  15. I am abundant and a powerful manifestor.
  16. I free myself of my limitations.
  17. I can have whatever I want.
  18. I am in a continuous state of forgiveness.
  19. My desires are here in my reality.
  20. What I assume I manifest.

Neville Goddard’s Core Concepts 

Closing Thoughts on Neville Goddard’s (SATS) State Akin to Sleep

And voila! Now you know how to use Neville Goddard’s (SATS) State Akin to Sleep to create your reality and manifest your desires. 

Neville mastered the human psyche and discovered numerous entry points into the imagination. If you liked this article, I encourage you to learn more about Neville’s manifesting techniques

I hope this article helps you in your manifesting journey and brings your manifestation one step closer to you. May you live well, and I wish you many blessings, so much love, and joy!

You might also enjoy: 29 Powerful Esther Abraham-Hicks Quotes on the Law of Attraction 

If you liked the article, please consider sharing it on Pinterest and connecting with us on social media. Happy manifesting!

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