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How to Manifest with Neville Goddard Catch the Mood Technique

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Neville Goddard Catch the Mood Technique is a lesser-known but highly effective technique. In this article, we’ll discuss what he means by catching the mood and how to manifest using it.


What does Catch the Mood mean (Law of Assumption)?

Technically, Catch the Mood is not a manifestation technique but one of Neville Goddard’s popular lecturesCatch the Mood’s main takeaway is that the state of consciousness you habitually return to is your dwelling place and the lens through which you see life. It is your home.

Therefore, if you believe I am poor, you will view the world from a state of poverty.

Neville believed that man is the God of his reality; consequently, man creates his own reality. The way to create your reality is through the power of imagination and assuming you already have your desire—to live in the end state. 

You just need to ignore the external world, go within, and focus your attention on your inner world.

He instructs that to manifest your external desire, you first have to enter the state of your desire, dwell on the state of your desire, and view the world from it. 

Below, we’ll go over how to put Catch the Mood into practice. 

3 Steps to Manifest With Neville Goddard Catch the Mood Technique 


Step 1: Claim your Desire 

The first step is to claim your desire, decide it’s yours, and write it down in your manifestation journal. The key is, though, to write your desire as though you already have your desire. 

Writing down your desire as though you already have it plants a seed in your mind that IT’S DONE and begins the process of materializing it in the physical world.

For example, let’s say you want to manifest a relationship

Write down your desire as if you already have it: I am in my dream relationship with my dream partner!

If this is your first time manifesting with the Law of Assumption, work on one desire at a time for the best results. 

Step 2: Imagine the State of the Wish Fulfilled

The second step is to go to the end state and imagine the wish fulfilled. 

Prepare for bed as usual and get your mind and body in a State Akin to Sleep (SATS), Neville’s term for a drowsy meditative state. According to Neville, this is the perfect state to visualize from.

For the relationship example, go to the very end of already being in a relationship with your dream partner and think from it. In Neville’s words, “Don’t think of it; think from it.” Think from the state of already having your desire.

Now, imagine a small scene implying that you are already in the relationship.

For instance, don’t imagine going on dates. Instead, imagine a scene that implies you are already in the relationship.

For example, you can imagine moving in with your partner or grocery shopping and madly in love. Strive for a scene that brings out the richest emotional experience and feels real. 

Neville recommends doing one-act scenes that are about 5 seconds long. Keep your scene short so your mind doesn’t wander. 

Once you have found a small scene that creates the mood of being in love in your dream relationship, loop the same scene over and over until it takes on the tones of reality. 

Dwell on the feelings until it feels so real that your desire is here, and fall asleep.

Related: What is Self-Concept When Manifesting? (The Law of Assumption)

Step 3: Assume Your Desire is Fulfilled


Step three is to assume your desire is fulfilled. Creative visualization ignites your feelings to live in the end state. 

Work on the state of the wish fulfilled every night until it feels so real that you already have your desire. Once your subconscious mind accepts your visualization, it should feel like a memory that has already happened.

Neville says that the state of the wish fulfilled may initially feel false, but if one persists, the world will have no choice but to conform to their assumptions.

How Long Does it Take for Catch the Mood Technique to Work?

How long it takes to Catch the Mood will depend on your ability to persuade yourself and how deeply rooted your limiting beliefs are.

According to a University College London Study, building a habit takes 18 to 254 days, an average of 66 days for most people. 

However, when working with the Law of Assumption, it’s not about logic or getting scientific, which is the conscious mind. 

It’s about getting your emotional body and subconscious mind to believe, so if you believe 18 days, then 18 days. 

Try the manifestation steps out for 7 days and see what happens!

Related: How to Use a Habit Tracker To Transform Your Life

How to Know If Catch the Mood Technique is Working 

You’ll know when the Catch the Mood technique worked, and your manifestation is close when you have embodied the state of the wish fulfilled. You feel your wish is already here, or at the very least, close, and you trust it’s on its way. You no longer search outwards or wait and check for the outcome. Because it is here, you have it. You are certain.

Neville Goddard’s Core Concepts to Be a Powerful Manifestor 

Closing Thoughts on Neville Goddard’s Catch the Mood 

There you have it. Now you know how to manifest using the Catch the Mood technique.

Neville mastered the human psyche and discovered numerous entry points into the imagination. If you liked this article, I encourage you to learn more about Neville’s manifesting techniques.

I hope this article helps you in your manifesting journey and brings your manifestation one step closer to you. May you live well, and I wish you many blessings, so much love, and joy!

You might also enjoy: Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale & How to Use It

If you liked the article, please consider sharing it on Pinterest and connecting with us on social media. Happy manifesting!

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