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Law of Attraction for Beginners: Manifestation Guide 2024 

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Want to learn about the Law of Attraction to manifest a magical life you love? 

The Law of Attraction has had a bad reputation over the years. But like the children’s telephone game, LOA’s teachings have likely gotten lost in translation somewhere down the line. 

Don’t get me wrong; Law of Assumption die-hards would certainly tell you to kick Law of Attraction practices to the curb and drop them like a bad habit.

However, I still think LOA practices can provide value and help you close the distance between you and your manifestations. It’s worth learning about if you’re serious about manifesting.

So, if you’re a skeptic, let me see if I can convert you! 

Let’s begin our Law of Attraction for Beginners manifesting guide.


What is the Law of Attraction, and How Does it Work?

First and foremost, the Law of Attraction is a Universal Law that states “like attracts like.” It is part of the 12 Universal Laws of Spiritual Manifestation. A Universal Law or Principle is not made by man. It is not morals or good or bad. It is something that humans have observed over time and concluded that this is how nature seems to work.

It is similar to the Law of Gravity, or another example is water. If you relax in a pool, you float, and the water carries you. If you panic and let your fears take over, you start to drown and tank. Man did not create that rule; the Universe did. We just need to abide by it. So, if we want to float, flowing with the law is beneficial.

Next, the Law of Attraction is also a lifestyle practice that helps you manifest and create the life you want. Spiritual teachers such as Esther Abraham-Hicks and Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret, based their teachings on this understanding and popularized the lifestyle in our modern culture.

Since then, the Law of Attraction has been all the rage and had its ebbs and flows, as well as its lovers and haters.

But I digress.

I’m sure you’ve heard of these three popular quotes, and if you haven’t, you should definitely take them to heart.

“Your beliefs create your reality.”

“Your thoughts create your reality.”

“You don’t attract what you want; you attract what you are.”

Your mind and energy are really important in creating your life because it is YOU. I point this out because I didn’t get it at one point. Your life is YOU. We think our life is the external things we have—our career, family, friends, home, whatever. But your life is you in your body, and everything starts with YOU.

This is the basis of any Law of Attraction teachings or self-transformational work.

Law of Attraction for Beginners: 3 Paradigm Shifts To Make 


These are the three paradigm shifts that are important when making the shift from 3D manifesting to 5D manifesting. In other words, creating your life from the old linear way to a new spiritual and abundant way that puts you in a place of least resistance and sets you up for a solid manifesting foundation. 

1. Begin to Look at Life in Terms of Energy

The first shift is to look at life in terms of energy. Experience your energy and see people, environments, situations, and objects around you as energy, not from a place of judgment but from a place of awareness, observation, and understanding. 

So, for instance, experience what lack versus abundance feels like in people and situations you encounter. Notice the vibration in yourself. The first feels fearful and constricted, and the latter feels open, expansive, and generous. 

Related: Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale & How to Use it

2. Shift Your Mindset to Be, Do, Have

The second shift is to shift your mindset from a Do, Have, Be to a Be, Do, Have model. Generally, we DO something to HAVE stuff to BE someone. Instead, shift it to BE someone to DO something to HAVE stuff. Be that someone now, which causes you to act. 

An inside-out approach will help you operate from a place of wholeness rather than indefinitely reaching for something from a state of lack. This simple paradigm shift alone should put you on a different playing field. Your paradigm shifts, and so, too, the way that you create your life will shift. 

3. Get Clear On What You Are

The third shift is to get clear on what you are. This ties into the Be, Do, Have model and the quote, “You don’t attract what you want; you attract what you are.” What does this mean, exactly?

It means that our conscious mind desires things. I want love, but internally, I feel unlovable, so I look to attract love because I believe it will validate that I am loveable. But by the Law of Attraction, the Law of Correspondence, and maybe other laws as well, “I am unlovable” will always manifest itself. That is until you become “I am love.”

So, most of the work with the Law of Attraction is about becoming a vibrational match to your desire. That means focusing entirely on your internals first and getting clear on what you are.

How to Use The Law of Attraction


It is important to note that the Law of Attraction is not a miracle pill, although miracles may occur. LOA is only one piece of the manifesting puzzle. 

For instance, if you want to build a business using LOA, of course, positive thinking alone will not build your business. 

The purpose of LOA practices is to help you attract your desires by internally aligning with them first. You start with your insides and make them match what you want externally. 

Your life right now is the sum total of what you were in the past: your thoughts, feelings, choices, beliefs, self-concept, actions, goals, failures, and wins. Everything led up to this point of you reading this article. 

So if you want something to change, as the saying goes—something’s gotta give. 

All tools, tips, and techniques are designed to help you believe in yourself and know that, in fact, you already are what you desire. The trick is to align with it and clear away unnecessary dust, debris, and baggage.

Below are seven Law of Attraction tips and six techniques to get you started.

7 Law of Attraction for Beginners Tips for Effortless Manifesting


1. Clearly Decide What You Want to Manifest

The first LOA tip is to clarify your desires. If you are a manifesting newbie and don’t know where to begin, do a brain dump and write down all your desires on a piece of paper or in a manifestation journal.  

Choose goals that excite you and get your heart pumping. The best desires are passions that come from the heart. 

From there, choose three desires and number your goals from one to three, with one being the priority. Also, it is best to focus on one manifestation at a time. 

Related: How to Do a Personal End-of-Year Review

2. Know What You Want Versus What You Don’t Want

The second LOA tip is to know what you want versus what you don’t want. 

Knowing what you want helps you know how to align your vibration, which is what we strive for when manifesting. You want all of your thoughts and feelings directed toward the success of your goal. We’ll often know what we want, but throughout the day, sometimes all we can think about is what we don’t want. 

For instance, let’s say you want to manifest a relationship. If you catch yourself thinking or telling your friends things like, “I don’t want a toxic relationship.” 

Change your thoughts to a positive. Instead, affirm, “I want a healthy, loving relationship.” 

According to the Law of Attraction teachings (spiritual perspective) and NLP (scientific perspective), the Universe will deliver your predominant thoughts and beliefs.

The Universe (your subconscious) doesn’t hear “I don’t” or “I want.” It hears “toxic relationship” instead of “healthy, loving relationship.”

Related: 76 Love Affirmations to Attract Romance and Your Dream Relationship

3. Become a Vibrational Match With Your Desire 

The third LOA tip is to become a vibrational match with your desire

Eliminate internal conflict, doubt, limiting beliefs, resistance, and blocks, and increase your self-worth

As per Esther Abraham-Hicks, the best states from which to manifest are gratitude, peace, joy, happiness, calm, and contentment.

Related: How to Raise Your Vibration for Manifestation (+27 Ideas)

4. Let Go of the Past

The fourth LOA tip is to let go of the past completely. 

This one is important because, as mentioned earlier, your subconscious is manifesting your life. If your emotional body is in the past, you will attract more of the past.

Be diligent about letting go of past hurts, anger, guilt, shame, resentment, or regret because they hold you back from the new that wants to enter your life and limit your fullest and highest expression.

Accept where you are if you are still working through any past hurts. Give yourself time and space to understand it, but find ways to arrive at an inner reconciliation.

Oftentimes, we over-identify with our past memories and believe it’s us, but it’s not. It’s an experience you went through and isn’t really who you are.

Related: How to Let Go of An Ex in 5 Powerful Steps

5. Believe You Deserve Good Things

The fifth LOA tip is to believe and know you deserve good things. Knowing and believing you deserve good things correlates with self-worth, a key element of self-love. 

According to Neville Goddard, creator of the Law of Assumption, the perfect state of consciousness to manifest from and be in daily is Christ’s Spirit, which is a continuous state of forgiveness. You have to free yourself of any limitation because to limit yourself is to condemn yourself.

6. Trust and Allow Your Life to Unfold

The sixth LOA tip is to allow your life to unfold and trust that your manifestations will come to you.

According to Gabby Bernstein, manifesting is really about allowing. It’s about doing the work within your control, believing in yourself and your desires, and allowing your life to unfold without resistance. 

7. Cultivate an Internal Locus of Control

The seventh tip is to cultivate an internal locus of control. If you tend to be externally focused, bring your love, power, and control back into yourself. 

Here’s a simple example to check where your sense of power is: a boss telling you to be on time. Do you arrive to work on time because your boss holds you accountable, or do you arrive on time because that’s who you are?

The latter inwardly draws their power rather than outwardly. Start by knowing why you do the things you do and the intention behind your choices and actions. 

That way, you’ll cultivate a sense of independence and self-sovereignty and be less influenced by others’ opinions. 

6 Law of Attraction for Beginners Manifesting Techniques 


1. Positive Affirmations

Every day and every second, we affirm who we are. It’s a matter of whether we are affirming helpful or unhelpful beliefs. 

Daily morning affirmations are an affordable, practical, and simple way to improve your mindset. 

You can use affirmations to affirm a new positive self-concept, affirm a physical desire into your reality, raise your vibration, boost your mood, or help reframe a negative mindset.

You can also learn how to write your own affirmations to make them more specific and personal.

Hypernatural has a variety of affirmations to help you; please see our full library of affirmations.

2. Vision Boards

Vision boards have gained much popularity over the years. They’re visual, get your creative juices flowing, and are so fun to make! They’re the perfect tool to start with if you are an LOA newbie. 

You can get magazines and make cutouts or print images online. Choose pictures that symbolize your dreams or the exact objects you desire. 

You can make a vision board for your overall life or make boards for different areas of life. It is really up to you. Just have fun, imagine, and dream! 

3. Scripting for Manifestation

Scripting is another powerful LOA technique. It is perfect for manifestors who like to journal or express themselves better in writing. Scripting involves feeling your desires as if you already have them.

There are countless ways to script. You can write your desires repeatedly, write a paragraph about your desire, or write a one-page letter to yourself as if you are your future self now, and so much more.

4. Creative Visualization

Creative visualization is the most effective manifesting tool and my favorite! 

Neville Goddard, creator of the Law of Assumption, believed in the power of the imagination to change one’s life and developed numerous manifesting techniques to help you manifest the life you desire.

Creative visualization can help you reframe your assumptions, manifest your desires, and even change the past

5. Release Limiting Beliefs

Most people’s limiting beliefs keep them from manifesting their desires and reaching their full potential. They are opinions about yourself and the world around you—your self-concept

Some limiting beliefs are easy to let go of, while others can be deeply ingrained. They are generally formed during childhood, past negative experiences, or encountering hardships. 

For instance, a person can leave a bad relationship and form a limiting belief: “I am unlovable” or “I am unworthy of relationships.” 

It feels so real, but I promise you it’s not!

You can start by listing your limiting beliefs about a desire and begin to free yourself from each one. Trust me; they don’t serve any purpose. Let them go! 

Related: 21 Common Limiting Beliefs That Block Manifestation

6. Cultivate a Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is every spiritual teacher’s favorite vibration. Why?

It’s an instant mood booster; your well-being skyrockets, and it signals to the Universe that you are enough and abundant, which attracts your desire towards you.

But if you are thinking, I’m having a hard time feeling grateful right now. I completely understand. I’ve been there. Sometimes, feeling grateful can feel disingenuous when we are going through a tough time. From a psychological perspective, this is called cognitive dissonance

Don’t worry, be gentle with yourself. Start by intending to feel more gratitude in your life and slowly build on the vibration.

Here are some ways to start a gratitude practice: gratitude prayers, gratitude journaling, or gratitude affirmations.

Law of Attraction Teachers to Know

Some Law of Attraction teachers to familiarize yourself with.

Closing Thoughts on the Law of Attraction for Beginners

There you have it. Now you know how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires and have a solid foundation from which to manifest.

I hope this article helps you in your manifesting journey and brings your manifestation one step closer to you. May you live well, and I wish you many blessings, so much love, and joy!

You might also enjoy: 49 Full Moon Affirmations to Manifest Your Best Life in 2024

If you liked the article, please consider sharing it on Pinterest and connecting with us on social media. Happy manifesting.

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Picture of Susan Pham, mbgFNC
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